Beware of counterfeit products. The use of counterfeit products is the root cause of serious accidents.
Our commitment to TANABE genuine products inscribed with
a special logo mark
"Packaging that includes a logo mark for genuine parts is proof that it is a genuine TANABE product.
The logo mark that indicates a genuine TANABE product is included only on parts that have passed through product design, manufacturing and testing that have met strict regulations and standards in Japan and overseas.
Genuine products that have passed through this rigorous inspection process are vacuum packed at our Logistics Centre and are delivered to our customers through a speedy process from packaging to shipment.
The logo mark for our genuine products is a sign of security, reliability and accuracy.
We carry out quality and parts management as we believe that the supply of “genuine TANABE parts” is key to our customer’s safety and security.
Two fundamental design concepts for Tanabe compressors are: reliability and durability.
It is not unusual for the company to receive enquiries for machines built more than 20 years ago.
Modifications (sometimes very minor changes ) are introduced over time to improve performance or when a specific component is no longer available.
Each enquiry to Tanabe Compressor is investigated to ensure our recommendations are fully compatible with your specific machine, thus ensuring continued reliability and longevity."